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Neighborhood pricing: Average and range

As of August 20, the average price for the neighborhood is $599 per square foot.

However, the individual properties contributing to this average range considerably, from $311/sq.ft. (142 Bigelow St. #148A) to $1,250/sq.ft. (1650 Comm. Ave. #606).

The gray bar in the chart below shows the average asking price. However, because the average doesn't tell the whole story, our chart shows the price range for market-rate properties. This gives a better understanding of the average price, and shows the bottom and top prices for the neighborhood - which helps offer context for a particular property.

Use the yellow box above to enter pricing data for a particular property to see how the prices compare.
What is the price for an entry-level property in the neighborhood? As of October 2016, the 10 most affordable market-rate 1BR+ properties range from $322,000-489,333. For context, the most affordable of these is 1404 Comm. Ave. #6 ($322,000 for a 801sq.ft. 1BR condo) and the most expensive of these is 16 Peacable St. #6 ($489,333 for a 1,573sq.ft. 3BR condo).